Grace in Small Things – 136/365 & 137/365 (04/15 & 04/16)

  1. Girls Nights with Shannon.
  2. Bill’s Guys Nights with Eric.
  3. No suspicious moles found during the visit to the dermatologist.
  4. D&S enjoyed movies at the Library, and I got to see “The Princess and the Frog.”
  5. Damien is the most enthusiastic and cooperative student they had in a long time at Level 1 swimming.
  6. D&S have their swimming classes at the same time – much easier for Bill.
  7. Damien advanced a level at gymnastics. Sergey continues to slack off 😉
  8. Xavier is babbling more. He can say “Uncle Mel” but not “Papa” or “Mama” – not sure that’s a compliment to our parenting 😛
  9. Xavier’s diligent swimming attempts on Saturday mornings. He got the arm movements down, but is refusing to kick.
  10. An occasional quiet alone time.

1 thought on “Grace in Small Things – 136/365 & 137/365 (04/15 & 04/16)

  1. 1. One of my brothers was back in town for a few days, and I got to see him for a couple of hours.

    2. Having brothers, after spending the first 20-some-odd years of my life without any.

    3. Another brother and his wife are now expecting a baby.

    4. Yet another brother is planning to come over tomorrow.

    5. Having students stay with us, because they enjoy it so much.

    6. The student who is now staying with us three nights a week (because of her tutoring job in the neighborhood) is a very low-maintenance houseguest.

    7. Three students were able to go hiking with me on Saturday.

    8. They turned out to be pretty good hikers (I had my doubts when they were stopping to rest before we were even out of Forest Park…)

    9. Having the Great Wall close enough to hike to.

    10. And having it all to ourselves when we get there.


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