Depression index

Probably the best indicator of my mental health state is how much paperwork is sitting around the house. When I am doing well, there is usually at most a week’s worth of stuff waiting to be filed. When I am not doing well, mail starts piling up. I just checked, and the last time I filed a bill was [drum roll, please] April 2009. Not a typo. It’s been a year and three months.

So tonight, I went through five big diaper boxes filled with bills, kids artwork, notes from school and daycare, and junk mail (courtesy of a particularly rough April and May). Kids artwork is now in the pretty IKEA boxes. I put two 5-gallon garbage cans of junk mail into the recycling bin. What’s left is two diaper boxes – one with bills etc which need to be sorted and filed, and one with kid mementos which need to be put in their memory boxes. Guess what I will be doing for the next couple nights 🙂

5 thoughts on “Depression index

  1. If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t shredded anything since sometime late last year. And I’m not depressed.

    And the cardboard boxes in the basement? They’re piling up bad! Even Eric finally realized how bad it’s getting and we’re going to make a concerted effort to take care of them tomorrow. So that my parents won’t have to sleep on then when they arrive in 2 weeks.


  2. Nope, I’m equally bad at paperwork, regardless of my mental health. I was okay with it until the appearance of my first child. Incidentally, I had also never bounced a check in my pre-kid days. Plus, though I am working on the being organized with paper things, it is low on my list of self-improvement projects. Exercise, eating right, dishes, and catboxes all have higher priority. 🙂


  3. I didn’t bounce anything pre-kids either. But since then I’ve so routinely missed paying the TDS bill that I had to go to online billing so I would get that emailed reminder that I could leave unread in my mailbox until I paid it. Plus I could do the online paying, thus saving me when I would remember it the day before it was due.

    Olya – I just realized I’m a month behind on my budgeting and balancing my credit card statement. Once I got everything entered, I found out there’s $500 more on the credit card than I thought! I’m never this far behind, so there must be something in the air making it worse right now.


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