Grace in Small Things – Where Did The Week Go??? Edition – 115/365, 116/365, 117/365, 118/365, 119/365, & 120/365

  1. Sergey and Damien both did well in their swimming classes. Next session starts in two weeks. This time, they will go on the same day at the same time (Damien on his own, Sergey with Bill). Hope it works out!
  2. Mini-Girls Night Out with Shannon.
  3. Yummy soups and hazelnut-flavored coffee at Panera Bread.
  4. Cute bunny ears for $1 at Target.
  5. Getting some books I was looking for at Half-Price Books.
  6. Nalini Singh’s “Angels’ Blood” – very enjoyable. Will definitely buy more of her stuff.
  7. Friday night babysitters.
  8. Zoo Interchange bridge got closed before it had a chance to break apart like the one in Minneapolis did.
  9. Found the downtown train station it time to pick up mother-in-law.
  10. Goofing off.
  11. Going to a T-Tapp workshop with Shannon.
  12. Actually getting to the workshop, despite road work everywhere.
  13. Not running away from the workshop.
  14. Buying a “Step Away The Inches” DVD that will hopefully provide a less stressful workout.
  15. Bill and Mel taking the kids to the Easter Egg Hunt at work.
  16. Long nap with Xavier.
  17. Cream cheese cake for my birthday, courtesy of mother-in-law.
  18. All-day headache eventually did go away.
  19. Mother-in-law took kids to see a play, and spent the rest of the day at our house with them.
  20. “Yarn: Remembering The Way Home,” a memoir by Kyoko Mori – thought-provoking and bittersweet. Made me think.
  21. Bill remembered it was my birthday 😉
  22. Emails from friends who remembered, too.
  23. Many many wall posts on Facebook wishing me a happy birthday.
  24. Donuts.
  25. Getting kids laundry done, kitchen floor washed, and downstairs carpets vacuumed.
  26. “The Sharing Knife: Beguilement” by Lois McMaster Bujold – will be checking out parts 2 and 3 once I am done reading the rest of my backlog.
  27. Trying to catch up on projects at work. One half-done, twenty or so left.
  28. My bagel offering was greatly appreciated.
  29. Dishes and adult laundry done, artwork from Thanksgiving and Christmas finally off the hallway walls.
  30. Catching up on my “Grace in Small Things” posts!

(For those of you playing along from home, you are under no obligation to come with a list of thirty items, unless of course you really really want to 🙂

6 thoughts on “Grace in Small Things – Where Did The Week Go??? Edition – 115/365, 116/365, 117/365, 118/365, 119/365, & 120/365

  1. 1. We still have heat for one more day.

    2. Our office windows haven’t fallen in (or out) yet, though they’re creaking ominously.

    3. I finally convinced the department dean that there was no way on this earth I was going to make my students pay for copies on the Easter handouts I’m giving them next week.

    4. We made it an entire week without having to call in the toilet professionals.

    5. We thought we were going to have to call them again, but then discovered that pouring copious amounts of vinegar down the offending plumbing solved the problem.

    6. No one was home to witness my victory dance when I made this break-through discovery.

    7. Vinegar is cheap.

    8. The water hasn’t been shut off since Sunday (when it was off all night and most of the day).

    9. We have more than 200 plastic Easter eggs.

    10. I bought 10 lbs of eggs at the market and carried them home in a plastic bag, and only one broke.

    11. Telling all my students about Easter.

    12. Having a dream about Vietnamese noodles, instead of one where all the clocks are wrong and I’m going to be late for work.

    13. Vietnamese coffee (which I haven’t had recently, but still think of fondly)

    14. The supermarkets are almost empty when we go over lunch break (everyone else is at home napping)

    15. We got a taxi home right away and didn’t have to stand out in the cold wind too long.

    16. Picture books.

    17. Finally making a decision about next year (indeed returning to the US; other details TBD)

    18. Talking to my sister on Skype over the weekend.

    19. Not having afternoon classes most days.

    20. Finding out we don’t have class next Monday for Tomb-Sweeping Day.

    21. Having a toilet that flushes consistently (Can you tell I’m happy about this?)

    22. Hot chocolate on a cold day.

    23. The wife of a friend in Hong Kong is finally starting to recover from pneumonia.

    24. We have more table space now that Ben took his oven back.

    25. A friend who has moved away showed up unexpectedly for a visit this past weekend.

    26. She’s finally going to go study in the US, which I think will be very good for her.

    27. Ben found a DVD store in Yinchuan that has more American movies than the one here.

    28. We’re allowed to go to Yinchuan this term, after being confined to our city for fear of H1N1 last term.

    29. My cold is almost better.

    30. I managed to think of thirty things!


  2. 1. Beth is falling down less in her quest to walk

    2. Made it to the T-Tapp workshop

    3. Survived the T-Tapp workshop

    4. Was not as sore after the T-Tapp workshop as I was expecting!

    5. Eric survived his day with the kids and did not threaten to leave when I got home.

    6. I managed not to lock my children in their rooms last night, in spite of the fact that they were being little pains in my butt!

    7. Was able to pay my car payment at the bank across the street instead of having to mail it and have it arrive late.

    8. Epsom Salts (for my pulled hamstring)

    9. Ice (for aforementioned hamstring)

    10. Zumba class

    11. Nice dinner out with Olya

    12. Found a book I wanted for Alex at Half-Price books

    13. Found a few new books for myself at Half-Price books

    14. Beth is too young to care that I didn’t buy her any new books 🙂

    15. Picked up my custom orthotics for my shoes

    16. Finished the J.D. Robb book and returned it to the library only 1 day late (and thus avoided late fees)

    17. Having time to just read a book

    18. Got a few projects done relating to kids pictures getting printed and put into frames. (Now I just have to get hanging stuff to put said frames on the wall)

    19. Alex slept in his own bed the last two nights.

    20. Got pictures ready to upload to my website

    21. Free ham from Barb for Easter

    22. Did my T-Tapp workout yesterday

    23. The REOTrans testing went fairly well yesterday

    24. It’s a beautiful day out today!

    25. Lunch with Olya today for her birthday

    26. My Virtual Villagers tribe has not died this time (thanks to mom pointing out the “Pause” option

    27. SOBE Lifewater

    28. Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Bliss bars

    29. Our raises will kick in soon

    30. I also managed to think of 30 things!


  3. Happy birthday!

    1. only one month of school left.

    2. I might actually get a high enough grade in chem to avoid repeating it.

    3. clearance pricing: got a hydration pack for $7 that is usually $30

    4. clearance pricing: got 3 pair of jeans and 2 new shirts for about $45.

    5. clearance pricing: I don’t need platform slingbacks, but they were cheap and damn cute.

    6. Being cheap and proud of it.

    7. Mom’s homemade mac and cheese.

    8. Saturday night off!!! Never happens!!!

    9. Breaking in the other half’s new grill tonight

    10. Family dinner tomorrow

    12. I love my rockstar purple sunglasses.

    13. $5 off coupon for two boxes of my favorite Fiber one bars

    14. Having a friend understand the Kafkaesque-ness of my job.

    15. Happy violin teacher yesterday.

    16. My vibrato doesn’t suck.

    17. I’m almost done with this song. Starting to get tired of it.

    18. Being able to change my own oil in my car.

    19. Having a boyfriend who will make changing the oil in my car into a fun date instead of a pain in the ass.

    20. Shannon’s blog. Go Beth!

    21. Nicotine patches are my friend. Cigarettes are not. (repeat mantra as needed to stave off weak willed-ness.)

    22. Surprise gifts of junior mints from the parents.

    23. Sleeping. Will be doing that shortly.

    24. I might have time to read a book soon. I miss reading.

    25. Thirty isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be.

    26. I think I finally cleaned up all of those stupid confetti pieces.

    27. I can’t wait for Shannon’s birthday. She’s in trouble.

    28. Summer is almost here!

    29. I have two full weeks of vacation time.

    30. Having 30 things to be happy about!


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